counter hit xanga

Just a clueless starfish in the ocean of life, filtering the environment for morsels of food.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Tomorrow will be an interesting day. First, the important phone meeting, followed by a busy day that will end up with a dinner with my ex-colleagues. It is no ordinary dinner as the sales director of my ex company, is leaving. He has been with the company for almost 10 years, and has finally made the decision to move. Having been my work reference during interviews for my current job, he had given me a glowing testimonial and helped convince my boss that I had great potential to contribute to the company.

Tomorrow, I would attend his farewell dinner from my ex-company. It certainly felt odd for a couple of reasons. For one, he's been with the company so long that he's almost a permanent fixture there. While we knew he wasn't too happy with the top brass, we never really expected the day that he would actually leave. Secondly, I couldn't shake off the irony that this man who had helped me move to a job with a lot more promise and opportunity, is now finally leaving the company as well.

It is with nostalgia and a myriad of unexplainable emotions that I look forward to this dinner. A gathering of ex comrades if you will. It will be interesting to take a walk back to how life was like for me 6 months ago.


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