counter hit xanga

Just a clueless starfish in the ocean of life, filtering the environment for morsels of food.

Friday, December 15, 2006

The Pinnacles

Part of the "tourist" visit planned for me was a visit to the famous Pinnacles, which was a few hours' drive away from Perth. According to the map, it was only about 3-4 hours' drive, and as we were making good time, my friend's husband decided to take the scenic route.

Sadly, we couldn't find the left turn that was supposed to bring us straight to the Pinnacles, and ended up making a loop. We ended up driving for up to 7 hours and we ended at the Pinnacles 5 minutes after sun down. Another lesson learned - the estimated distance on maps and road signs cannot be trusted...We scrambled around taking photos trying to make the most of the quickly diminishing light.

Amidst the scrambling around, my friend's hubby dropped his plunger for his camera. After the sun finally went down and we were making our way out, we saw an unusual rock formation that was just beautiful, and we improvised by using the headlights of the car to take photos.

After that, it was a search for some place to take dinner before making a mad drive back to our hotel in Perth. We found a student club of sorts nearby which sold horrible, but piping hot food. It was a long drive back to Perth where I fell asleep along the way.


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