counter hit xanga

Just a clueless starfish in the ocean of life, filtering the environment for morsels of food.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A Feeling of Foreboding

Its been another trying day, and work is starting to become a chore for non web related projects. Things are not boding well with Prima Donna who's already started taking over the functions of my current boss who is leaving end of this week.

As the last thing she could do for us, my boss had arranged for our performance agreement meetings (used to rate our performance at the end of the year by checking it against the list of our deliverables agreed on) this week, when she was still around, with Prima Donna sitting in. In this way, our agreements on the number of projects would be fair, our deliverables will remain fairly reasonable and consistent, and our budgets would be safe.

It was not to be so. In her quest for world dominion starting with AP, Prima Donna had pushed all the meetings to next week. My boss would not be around, and she would have full authority to mess with our deliverables and projects. Following that move, my boss also recalled all previously agreed on budgets for 2007, deferring it to Prima Donna's leadership.

In addition to that, we have just received an email that she wants to meet us on a fortnightly basis to get reports from us. This because our new VP expects the same of her. While I think this is a good discipline for a boss to have, I doubt it will be beneficial for us as her intention is to give our new VP a good report rather than to give us direction or mentoring. I'm definitely going to miss my boss...

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